Wednesday, November 26, 2008

How to freeze a pumkin pie

pumkin pie
Originally uploaded by Mary Anne Thygesen
How to Freeze a Pumpkin Pie

Make your favorite pie crust.

Mix up pumpkin pie filling according to the directions on the can. Add two tablespoons corn starch to the pumpkin pie filling. Mix thoroughly.

Corn starch stabilizes the custard (pumpkin pie filling) for freezing. Adding corn starch makes the pie not runny when you unthaw it.

Pour filling into pie shell. Bake pie following the directions on the can. After baking cool the pie. When the pie is cool, wrap it up for freezing. Freeze pie. Unthaw pie in the refrigerator.


susan said...

Merry Christmas,

Love the idea of freezing pie. Gives me more time during the holiday. Sure could use more tips like that.

Also check out the website: real, it also has some very useful information on healthy foods.


susan said...
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